Building tidy tools

Day 1 Session 3: Unit tests

Emma Rand and Ian Lyttle

Invalid Date

β˜‘οΈ Unit Testing

Learning Objectives

At the end of this section you will be able to:

  • understand the rationale for automating tests
  • describe the organisation of the testing infrastructure and file contents for the testthat (Wickham 2011) workflow
  • set up a package to use testthat
  • create a test and use some common β€˜expectations’
  • run all the tests in a file and in a package
  • determine the test coverage in a package

Why test?

Why test?

  • To make sure our code works

  • To make sure our code keeps working after we add features

For example

When we run:

italy <- uss_make_matches(engsoccerdata::italy,
spain <- uss_make_matches(engsoccerdata::spain,

The objects italy and spain should be:

  • tibbles
  • have columns: β€œcountry”, β€œtier”, β€œseason”, β€œdate”, β€œhome”, β€œvisitor”, β€œgoals_home” and β€œgoals_visitor”

So we might…

Check interactively

Try these:

"tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame"
"tbl_df"     "tbl"        "data.frame" 
country"       "tier"          "season"        "date"         
"home"          "visitor"       "goals_home"    "goals_visitor" 
country"       "tier"          "season"        "date"         
"home"          "visitor"       "goals_home"    "goals_visitor"





Interactive testing …

…is informal testing. We:

  • wrote uss_make_matches()
  • loaded package with devtools::load_all()
  • ran uss_make_matches() interactively
  • edited uss_make_matches() if needed
  • loaded package with devtools::load_all()
  • ran uss_make_matches() interactively

Informal test workflow

%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#f3f3f3',  'lineColor':'#EE9AD9'}}}%%

  flowchart LR
      id1("Reload code: \n load_all()") --> 
      id2("Explore in \n console") --> 
      id3("Modify \n code")
      id3 --> id1
      style id1 id2 id3 stroke:#3F3F3F,stroke-width:2px

Why automate testing?

Why automate testing?

Problem: you forget all the interactive testing you’ve done

Solution: have a system to store and re-run the tests!

Why automate testing?

  1. Fewer bugs: you are explicit about behaviour of functions.

  2. Encourages good code design. If it is hard to write unit tests your function may need refactoring

  3. Opportunity for test-driven development

  4. Robustness

Read more about testing in the recently updated chapter in R Packages (Wickham and Bryan 2020)

Automated test workflow

%%{init: {'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#f3f3f3',  'lineColor':'#EE9AD9'}}}%%

  flowchart LR
      id1("Reload code: \n load_all()") --> 
      id2("Run automated tests: \n test() or \n test_file()") --> 
      id3("Modify \n code")
      id3 --> id1
      style id1 id2 id3 stroke:#3F3F3F,stroke-width:2px

Infrastructure and organisation

Organisation: files

β”œβ”€β”€ CITATION.cff
β”œβ”€β”€ LICENSE
β”œβ”€β”€ LICENSE.md
β”œβ”€β”€ man
β”‚   └── matches.Rd
β”œβ”€β”€ NAMESPACE
β”œβ”€β”€ R
β”‚   └── matches.R
β”œβ”€β”€ README.md
β”œβ”€β”€ tests
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ testthat
β”‚   β”‚   └── test-matches.R
β”‚   └── testthat.R
└── ussie.Rproj
  • tests files are in: tests/testthat/
  • test files are named test-xxxx.R
  • tests/testthat.R: runs the tests when devtools::check() is called

Organisation within files

  • any test file test-xxxx.R contains several tests. Might be:
    • all the tests for a simple function
    • all the tests for one part of a complex function
    • all the tests for the same functionality in multiple functions

Organisation within files

  • a test groups several β€˜expectations’. An expectation:
    • has the form: expect_zzzz(actual_result, expectation)
    • if actual_result == expectation no error
    • if actual_result != expectation Error



  1. Set up your package to use testthat: usethis::use_testthat(3) ONCE
  1. Make a test: usethis::use_test()
  1. Run a set of tests: testthat::test_file()
  1. Run the entire testing suite: devtools::test() and devtools::check()

Set up

Set up

To set up your package to use testthat: usethis::use_testthat(3) which:

  • makes tests/testthat/: this is where the test files live
  • edits DESCRIPTION:

    • Adds Suggests: testthat (>= 3.0.0)
    • Adds Config/testthat/edition: 3
  • makes tests/testthat.R: this runs the test when you do devtools:check() DO NOT EDIT

Set up

🎬 Set up your package to use testthat:


3 means testthat edition 3 (testthat 3e)

As well as installing that version of the package, you have to explicitly opt in to the edition behaviours.

βœ” Adding 'testthat' to Suggests field in DESCRIPTION
βœ” Setting Config/testthat/edition field in DESCRIPTION to '3'
βœ” Creating 'tests/testthat/'
βœ” Writing 'tests/testthat.R'
β€’ Call `use_test()` to initialize a basic test file and open it for editing.



Before we try to make a test, let’s look at some of the expect_zzzz() functions we have available to us.

Form: expect_zzzz(actual_result, expectation)

  • the expectation is what you expect
  • the actual_result is what you are comparing to the expectation
  • some expect_zzzz() have additional arguments

For example

# to try out testhtat interactively we load 
# and request edition 3
# but, you do *not* do that in a package.
# when the actual result is 42
result <- 42

# and we expect the result to be 42: no error
expect_identical(result, 42)


# when the actual result is "a"
result <- "a"

# and we expect the result to be "a": no error
expect_identical(result, "a")


# when the actual result is 45
result <- 45

# and we expect the result to be 42: Error
expect_identical(result, 42)
Error: `result` (`actual`) not identical to 42 (`expected`).

  `actual`: 45
`expected`: 42


# when the actual result is "bob"
result <- "bob"

# and we expect the result to be "a": Error
expect_identical(result, "A")
Error: `result` (`actual`) not identical to "A" (`expected`).

`actual`:   "bob"
`expected`: "A"  

Some common expectations

Some types of expect_zzzz()

Equality with wiggle room

# when the actual result is 42
result <- 42

# and we expect the result to be 42: no error
expect_equal(result, 42)
# and when the actual result is 42.0000001
result <- 42.0000001

# and we expect the result to be 42: we still do 
# not have an error because expect_equal() 
# has some tolerance
expect_equal(result, 42)

Equality with wiggle room

# but when the actual result is 42.1
result <- 42.1

# and we expect the result to be 42: error because
# 0.1 is bigger than the default tolerance
expect_equal(result, 42)
Error: `result` (`actual`) not equal to 42 (`expected`).

  `actual`: 42.1
`expected`: 42.0

Equality with wiggle room

We can set the wiggle room:

# but when the actual result is 42.1
result <- 42.1

# and we expect the result to be 42: no error if we
# provide a tolerance
expect_equal(result, 42, tolerance = 0.1)

Testing something is TRUE

# when the result is "bill"
a <- "bill"

# and we expect the result not to be "bob": no error
expect_true(a != "bob")
# when the result is "bill"
a <- "bob"

# and we expect the result not to be "bob": error
expect_true(a != "bob")
Error: a != "bob" is not TRUE

`actual`:   FALSE
`expected`: TRUE 

Testing whether objects have names

# vector of named values
x <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)

# test whether x has names: no error
# test if the names are "a", "b", "c": no error

expect_named(x, c("a", "b", "c"))

# test if the names are "b", "a", "c":  error
expect_named(x, c("b", "a", "c"))
Error: Names of `x` ('a', 'b', 'c') don't match 'b', 'a', 'c'

Making a test

Make a test

You can create and open (or just open) a test file for blah.R with use_test("blah").

🎬 Create a test file for matches.R

βœ” Writing 'tests/testthat/test-matches.R'
β€’ Modify 'tests/testthat/test-matches.R'

Test file structure

For example:

test_that("multiplication works", {
  expect_equal(2 * 2, 4)


test_that("some thing in the function works", {

You list the expectations inside test_that( , { })

You can have as many expectations as you need.

Ideally, 2 - 6 ish or consider breaking the function into simpler functions.

Make a test

We will add three expectations:

  • test that the output of uss_make_matches() is a tibble with expect_true()
  • test that the output of uss_make_matches() has columns with the right names with expect_named()
  • test that the country column of the uss_make_matches() output is correct with expect_identical()

We will do them one at a time so you can practice the workflow.

Edit test-matches.R

🎬 Add a test to check the output of uss_make_matches() is a tibble with expect_true():

test_that("uss_make_matches works", {

  # use the function
  italy <- uss_make_matches(engsoccerdata::italy, "Italy")


We use uss_make_matches() and examine the output with an expectation.

Running a test

Running a test

🎬 Run the test with testthat::test_file()

══ Testing test-matches.R ══════════════════════
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 1 ] Done!


You can also use the β€œRuns Tests” button


🎬 Run all the tests with devtools::test()

β„Ή Loading ussie
β„Ή Testing ussie
βœ” | F W S  OK | Context
βœ” |         1 | matches [0.4s]                                   

══ Results ══════════════════════════════════════════════════════
Duration: 0.5 s

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 1 ]

🐝 Your tests are the bee's knees 🐝

Add an expectation

Now you will test the output of uss_make_matches() to make sure it has columns with the right names expect_named()

we expect the names to be:

β€œcountry”, β€œtier”, β€œseason”, β€œdate”, β€œhome”, β€œvisitor”, β€œgoals_home”, β€œgoals_visitor”

🎬 Use expect_named() in test-matches.R to check the column names of italy


test_that("uss_make_matches works", {

  # use the function
  italy <- uss_make_matches(engsoccerdata::italy, "Italy")

    c("country", "tier", "season", "date", "home", "visitor",
      "goals_home", "goals_visitor")

Run the edited test

🎬 Run the edited test file


Or the β€œRuns Tests” button

══ Testing test-matches.R ═════════════════════════════════════════════════════
[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 2 ] Done!

β„Ή Loading ussie
β„Ή Testing ussie
βœ” | F W S  OK | Context
βœ” |         2 | matches [0.2s]                                                 

══ Results ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
Duration: 0.2 s

[ FAIL 0 | WARN 0 | SKIP 0 | PASS 2 ]   


Add the last expectation

Now check that the country column of the uss_make_matches() output is correct with expect_identical()

🎬 Use expect_identical() in test-matches.R to compare the values in italy$country to β€œitaly”

🎬 Run the tests

My answer

test_that("uss_make_matches works", {

  # use the function
  italy <- uss_make_matches(engsoccerdata::italy, "Italy")

    c("country", "tier", "season", "date", "home", "visitor",
      "goals_home", "goals_visitor")
  expect_identical(unique(italy$country), "Italy")

Extra: find a bug, add a test

Running a practice session for this course, we found a bug:

test_that("uss_make_matches works", {

  # use the function
  italy <- uss_make_matches(engsoccerdata::italy, "Italy")

    c("country", "tier", "season", "date", "home", "visitor",
      "goals_home", "goals_visitor")
  expect_identical(unique(italy$country), "Italy")
  # when you find a bug, add a test: πŸ‘‹ from Ian
  expect_s3_class(italy$tier, "factor")

Test coverage

Test coverage

Test coverage is the percentage of package code run when the test suite is run.

  • provided by covr (Hester 2020) package
  • higher is better
  • 100% is notional goal but rarely achieved

Test coverage

There are two functions you might use interactively:

Coverage in active file

🎬 Make sure matches.R is active in the editor and do:

Coverage in package

🎬 Check the coverage over the whole package:


β˜‘οΈ Woo hoo β˜‘οΈ
You wrote a unit test!

Commit and push

Now would be a good time to commit your changes and push them to GitHub

Git iconGitHub icon


  • Automated testing means you can systematically check your code still works when adding features
  • testthat β€œtries to make testing as fun as possible”
  • Organisation: test files
    • live in: tests/testthat/
    • are named: test-xxxx.R
    • contain: test_that("something works", { *expectations* })
    • tests/testthat.R: runs the tests and should not (normally) be edited



Hester, Jim. 2020. β€œCovr: Test Coverage for Packages.” https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=covr.
Wickham, Hadley. 2011. β€œTestthat: Get Started with Testing” 3. https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2011-1/RJournal_2011-1_Wickham.pdf.
Wickham, Hadley, and Jenny Bryan. 2020. R Packages. The work-in-progress 2nd edition. Online. https://r-pkgs.org/index.html.