Building tidy tools

Day 2 Session 4: Functional and Object-Oriented Programming

Emma Rand and Ian Lyttle

Invalid Date

Learning objectives

Time permitting

At the end of this section you will be able to:

This will be the briefest of introductions to these topics.

We will also recap all of today’s material and discuss.

Functions as arguments

Using functions as arguments is a foundation of functional programming.


ten <- seq(1, 10)
square <- function(x) {

map_dbl(ten, square)

Anonymous (lambda) functions

Sometimes you want to provide an “on-the-spot” function:

  • write it out the long way:

    map_dbl(ten, function(x) x^2)
  • {purrr} interprets one-sided formula using .x:

    map_dbl(ten, ~.x^2)
  • R (> 4.1) provides shorthand:

    map_dbl(ten, \(x) x^2)

Make {purrr} formula into function

my_function <- function(data, f) {
  f <- rlang::as_function(f)

Note: we cannot pass the dots here.

These are equivalent:

my_function(ten, function(x) x + 1)
my_function(ten, \(x) x + 1)
my_function(ten, ~.x + 1)

Our turn "2.4.1"

Only if needed, btt22::btt_reset_hard("2.4.1")

No new files.


italy_teams_matches <- 
  uss_get_matches("italy") |> 

What would a season look like if wins were five points?

italy_five <-
  italy_teams_matches |>
  uss_make_seasons_final(fn_points_per_win = \(...) 5)


  • in seasons_intermediate():
# accept purrr-style anonymous functions
fn_points_per_win <- 
  • devtools::load()

    italy_five_purrr <-
      italy_teams_matches |>
      uss_make_seasons_final(fn_points_per_win = ~5)
    identical(italy_five, italy_five_purrr)

S3 class system

There have been a lot of class systems implemented in R:

  • S3, S4, R6, …
  • and now R7 (Hadley’s talk Thursday afternoon)

For now, S3 remains the simplest thing that works:

{vctrs} package

  • designed to help you construct S3 classes:

    • especially in the context of a column of a data frame
  • cli::cli_abort() creates an S3 error condition:

    • not quite the same thing

    • but the same idea: let’s make it a little easier to manage

Our turn "2.4.2"

Only if needed, btt22::btt_reset_hard("2.4.2")

Get new files, btt22::btt_get("2.4.2"):

  • result.R
  • test-result.R
  • usethis::use_package("glue")

  • usethis::use_package("vctrs")

  • add #' @import vctrs to ussie-package.R.

What problem are we solving?

A result displays two sets of information, according to team:

  • goals-for, goals-against: essential information
  • outcome (win, loss, draw): based on goals for, against

Our result structure should:

  • store essential information, e.g.:
    • goals_for = 3
    • goals_against = 2
  • display outcome with goals, e.g.: W 3-2.

Low-level constructor

new_result <- function(goals_for = integer(), goals_against = integer()) {

  # validate
  vec_assert(goals_for, integer())
  vec_assert(goals_against, integer(), size = length(goals_for))
  # construct rcrd class, using vctrs::new_rcrd()
    list(goals_for = goals_for, goals_against = goals_against),
    class = "ussie_result"

rcrd class is like a little data-frame.

High-level constructor

#' @export
uss_result <- function(goals_for = integer(), goals_against = integer()) {

  # coerce to integer, lets us accept integer-ish arguments
  goals_for <- vec_cast(goals_for, to = integer())
  goals_against <- vec_cast(goals_against, to = integer())
  # call low-level constructor
  new_result(goals_for, goals_against)

This is what users “see” and use.


#' @export
format.ussie_result <- function(x, ...) {
  # field() is a vcrts function to extract a field from a rcrd
  goals_for <- field(x, "goals_for")
  goals_against <- field(x, "goals_against")
  outcome <- dplyr::case_when(...)
  # compose output
  out <- glue::glue("{outcome} {goals_for}-{goals_against}")

Let’s see this in action

uss_result(3, 2)
uss_get_matches("italy") |>
  uss_make_teams_matches() |>
    result = uss_result(goals_for, goals_against)


These control how the class name is displayed when printing:

#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.ussie_result <- 
  function(x, ...) "rslt" 

#' @export
vec_ptype_full.ussie_result <- 
  function(x, ...) "result"

Recap: Design

  • Naming: be consistent, concise, yet evocative.

  • Argument order: data, descriptors, dots, details.

  • Return value type: be consistent, predictable.

  • Easy to remember data (first) argument and return value:

    • easy to use pipe, |>.
  • Be mindful of side effects.

Recap: Side-effects

The most-common side-effect is an error. Good design:

  • simple (as possible) predicate
  • clear mesage
  • add a class using naming convention, and additional information

Use snapshot tests to capture side-effects.

  • be very careful when accepting changes to snapshots.

Use withr::local_*() functions to “leave no footprints”.

Recap: Tidy eval

There are a lot of tidy-eval tools:

  • know if you are using a data-masking or tidy-select function.
  • to splice a list (or vector) into dynamic-dots, use !!!
  • For data-masking functions:

    • be specific, use .data, .env pronouns.

    • to use tidy-select syntax, use dplyr::across().

    • to move a bunch of arguments, pass the dots, ...

    • to interpolate a single argument, use {{}}.

Recap: Misc.

Anonymous (use-once) functions can be handy:

Use {vctrs} package to help build and manage S3 classes.


In Ian’s opinion, the tidyverse succeeds because it helps you build a mental model for composing functions to solve your problem. It does this by providing:

  • consistent naming of functions, arguments
  • focus on first argument, return value: supports |>
  • consistent implementation of non-standard evaluation
  • more-and-more informative error-messages


We did not cover how to manage change.

Change is a necessary (and frustrating) part of success:

  • {plyr} -> {dplyr}
  • {reshape} -> {reshape2} -> {tidyr}

Different levels of change:

  • deprecating functions, arguments
  • breaking changes
  • used to be: add-a-2, becoming: editions

If you remember one thing…

Distinguish pure functions from functions that use side effects.

Pure functions:

  • use only the values of the arguments

  • change only the return value

    add <- function(x, y) {
      x + y

Side effects use or change something else in the universe:

  • e.g.: read a file, print to screen

Additional material: FP

Anjana Vakil, on functional programming in JavaScript:

Additional material: S3 tools

Hadley Wickham’s introduction of {vctrs}, rstudio::conf(2019).

Additional material: S3 usage

At rstudio::conf(2020), Jesse Sadler shows an implementation.

🙏 Thank you


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Henry, Lionel, and Hadley Wickham. 2020. “Purrr: Functional Programming Tools.” https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=purrr.
Wickham, Hadley, Lionel Henry, and Davis Vaughan. 2022. “Vctrs: Vector Helpers.” https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=vctrs.