Polishing Documents

From R Markdown to Quarto
rstudio::conf 2022

Andrew Bray

Getting Exercise

To get the materials for each part of this course packed in an RStudio Project, run:


You can also git clone if you prefer that workflow.

Generic Blocks and Inlines

What happens when you pandoc it?

From the last exercise . . .

quarto pandoc -f html -t markdown ex-2-goal.html -o ex-2-answer.md

This looks familiar!

What happens when you pandoc it?

From the last exercise . . .

quarto pandoc -f html -t markdown ex-2-goal.html -o ex-2-answer.md

This looks familiar!

            . . . but this does not.

The Bracketed Span

The Bracketed Span

The Bracketed Span

The Bracketed Span

The Bracketed Span

The Fenced Div

Quarto Elements

What you’re about to see . . .

  • Most of the elements work across the main output formats (html, pdf, docx, pptx)
  • Many of the attributes work across multiple element types
  • Most of this is new Quarto functionality. Some of it is original Pandoc.
  • This is a subset of the elements available. See the Quarto Guide for the full list.

Callout Blocks

Highlight content for the reader in multiple formats.


Look - a squirrel!

Look - a squirrel!

Look - a squirrel!

HTML output


Look - a squirrel!


Look - a squirrel!


Look - a squirrel!

Callout Blocks

Highlight content for the reader in multiple formats.


Look - a squirrel!

Look - a squirrel!

Look - a squirrel!

PDF output

Callout Blocks

Highlight content for the reader in multiple formats.


Look - a squirrel!

Look - a squirrel!

Look - a squirrel!

DOCX output

Element Layouts

Quarto makes available several layout attributes that apply to broad range of block elements.

  • layout-ncol: split elements across n columns (2, 3, …).
  • layout-nrow: split elements across n rows (2, 3, …).
  • layout-valign: align elements (top, center, bottom, default).
  • layout: Split elements into a 2D array by rows and columns1.

Element Layouts



A novelty clock, watch, and the like for 
keeping time at an animal's rate, defined
in terms of a multiple of human rate by 
dividing the average lifetime of a 
particular animal into the average 
lifetime of a human being. The multiple
for dogs is seven, for example.


HTML output

A clock for keeping time at an animal’s rate. The multiple for dogs is seven, for example.

Element Layouts

layout-ncol + layout-valign


:::{layout-ncol=2 layout-valign=middle}
A novelty clock, watch, and the like for 
keeping time at an animal's rate, defined
in terms of a multiple of human rate by 
dividing the average lifetime of a 
particular animal into the average 
lifetime of a human being. The multiple
for dogs is seven, for example.


HTML output

A clock for keeping time at an animal’s rate. The multiple for dogs is seven, for example.

Element Layouts

layout-ncol with small image


A novelty clock, watch, and the like for 
keeping time at an animal's rate, defined
in terms of a multiple of human rate by 
dividing the average lifetime of a 
particular animal into the average 
lifetime of a human being. The multiple
for dogs is seven, for example.


HTML output

A clock for keeping time at an animal’s rate. The multiple for dogs is seven, for example.

Element Layout Array

layout: The layout attribute1 is a 2-dimensional array where the first dimension defines rows and the second columns.

  • layout="[[1,1], [1]]" translates to: create two rows, the first of which has two columns of equal size and the second of which has a single column.
  • You can scale the relative dimension of each panel by changing the 1s.

Element Layout Array


:::{layout="[[1,1], [1]]"}



HTML output

What would layout="[[1,5], [1]]" do?

Element Layout Array


:::{layout="[[1,5], [1]]"}



HTML output

Document Layout: column classes

Modify the width of the main body column for individual block elements (e.g. paragraph, figures).


A novelty clock, watch, and the like for 
keeping time at an animal's rate, defined
in terms of a multiple of human rate by 
dividing the average lifetime of a 
particular animal into the average 
lifetime of a human being. The multiple
for dogs is seven, for example.

A novelty clock, watch, and the like for 
keeping time at an animal's rate, defined
in terms of a multiple of human rate by 
dividing the average lifetime of a 
particular animal into the average 
lifetime of a human being. The multiple
for dogs is seven, for example.

HTML output

Document Layout: column classes

Modify the width of the main body column for individual block elements (e.g. paragraph, figures).


A novelty clock, watch, and the like for 
keeping time at an animal's rate, defined
in terms of a multiple of human rate by 
dividing the average lifetime of a 
particular animal into the average 
lifetime of a human being. The multiple
for dogs is seven, for example.

A novelty clock, watch, and the like for 
keeping time at an animal's rate, defined
in terms of a multiple of human rate by 
dividing the average lifetime of a 
particular animal into the average 
lifetime of a human being. The multiple
for dogs is seven, for example.

HTML output

Document Layout: margin classes

Place any inline or block element from the body to the margin.



What a brilliant idea.


Document Layout: margin classes

Place any inline or block element from the body to the margin.



What a brilliant idea.



What is your preferred method of adding a figure to an Rmd so that it displays in HTML at 300 pixels wide?

A. markdown

![A nice image.](foo/bar.png){width=300}

B. html

<img src="foo/bar.png" width="300">

C: knitr

```{r, out.width="300px"}


Quarto expands the functionality of markdown. Set width, height, fig-align, add link, caption, and alt-text.

![A caption](images/dog-watch.png){width=300 fig-align=right fig-alt="Dog watching a watch."}

Dog watching a watch.

A caption

  • Units default to px.
  • Other choices 300in, 300% (relative to image size), 3em (relative to font size).
  • Entire fig can be nested inside the link syntax ([fig](url)) to link the image

Labels for References

References can be made dynamic using #<type>-id and @<type>-id.



< Much more text >

A novelty clock, watch (@fig-dogwatch), and the like for 
keeping time at an animal's rate . . .

HTML output

Figure 1: A caption

< Much more text >

A novelty clock, watch (Figure 1), and the like for keeping time at an animal’s rate . . .

  • Unlike a link, a reference changes
    with the ordering of the element
    as well as its type.
  • Other <type> include @tbl-,
    @sec-, @eq-, @thm-, and many
    more for math.

Customized References

You can customize the appearance of inline references by either changing the syntax of the inline reference or by setting options.

Type Syntax Output
Default @fig-elephant Figure 1
Custom Prefix [Fig @fig-elephant] Fig 1
No Prefix [-@fig-elephant] 1

Rstudio and Quarto

Let’s play around in the RStudio Visual Editor!

Easy Table Generation

Have the editor write the markdown for you!

Screenshot of inserting a table via the Visual Editor.

Catalog of Elements

Type / on a new line to search the element types.

Screenshot of the pop-up after typing /.

Reminder of Attributes

Click ... next to elements to see the attributes you can change.

Screenshot highlighting the three dots along the right side of the editor.

YAML Intelligence

Ctrl + space to see all available options then tab-complete. Also works in VSCode.

Screenshot highlighting the three dots along the right side of the editor.

Exercise 3

Open ex-3.qmd and follow the directions to create a document that describes your favorite place to visit on vacation.

When you’re done, please share a screenshot of your document in the GitHub Discussion thread “Exercise 3”.

Addressing Appearance with Themes

I’ll show you three webpages briefly.

                    What do you think they’re for?
                    Who do you think is their audience?

I’ll show you three webpages briefly.

                    What do you think they’re for?
                    Who do you think is their audience?

What Defines a Document?

A document consists of content, structure, appearance, format.

  • Content: text, code, graphics
  • Structure: paragraphs, lists, emphasis, etc.
  • Appearance: fonts, colors, layout
  • Format: functionality

The Power of CSS

A demonstration of what can be accomplished through CSS-based design. Select any style sheet from the list to load it into this page.

HTML Themes

A collection of CSS rules that define font, colors, and spacing is called a theme. Quarto has 25 pre-loaded themes from Bootswatch.

{fig-alt=“screenshot of a collection of bootswatch themes.}

Exercise 3 Redux

Add a Bootswatch theme to your ex-3.qmd by adding the following to your YAML.

    theme: <theme>

You can find the list of theme names at Quarto Guide >> Documents >> HTML.

Try out several of the themes (or view them at https://bootswatch.com/) then apply your favorite and share a screenshot of the styled document in the GitHub Discussion thread “Exercise 3”.

Baby Steps into CSS

HTML attributes

HTML, like markdown, has a set of elements that structure a website: <div>, <body>, <pre>, <span>, etc. Compare:


A [Span Element]{}.


<p>A <span>Span Element</span>.</p>

HTML Output

A Span Element.

we can add labels.


A [Span Element]{#label}.


<p>A <span id="label">Span Element</span>.</p>

HTML Output

A Span Element.

             . . . still looks the same. Let’s add some style.

Adding Style


A [Span Element]{#label style="color: red"}.


<p>A <span id="label" style="color: red">Span Element</span>.</p>

HTML Output

A Span Element.

Quick Exercise

CSS Properties

There are many many many CSS properties available for styling.


Take a moment and add a few more different style properties from the list to a test span in your sandbox.

Syntax: style="property-1: value; property-2: value"

DRY for style

If you have a style that you want to apply multiple times, it makes sense to encapsulate it in a CSS rule. Why?


If you have a [style]{style="font-size: 1.5em; text-decoration: underline"} that you want to apply [multiple times]{style="font-size: 1.5em; text-decoration: underline"}, it makes sense to encapsulate it in a CSS rule. Why?

          Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY): repetitive code is hard to update… and long!

CSS Rule syntax

To write a rule for a class.

.class {
  property-1: value;
  property-2: value;

Contrast with the inline style approach:

style="property-1: value; property-2: value"

To make the rule accessible to your document, put it into a separate styles.css file and link to in the YAML.

title: "CSS Demo"
    css: styles.css

CSS Rule syntax

To write a rule for a class.

.loud {
  font-size: 1.5em;
  text-decoration: underline;

If you have a [style]{.loud} that you want to apply [multiple times]{.loud}, it makes sense to encapsulate it in a CSS rule. Why?

Exercise 4

There are three CSS challenges in this exercise

  1. Write the rules that style Inline Elements, Block Elements, and Metadata Elements in these slides.
  2. Create your own rudimentary callout box.


On your way out the door for lunch, please write on the blue sticky note one that confused or frustrated you and on the yellow sticky something that you enjoyed, or got your excited.

References and further reading