Designing the data science classroom
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Intro data science:
Regression analysis / Stat 2:
Both curricula: library(tidymodels)
– don’t make a big fuss about the individual packages, though helpful to communicate tidymodels is a meta-package and documentation for individual functions are in individual packages.
Don’t start like this
Start like this
We created RStudio Cloud to make it easy for professionals, hobbyists, trainers, teachers, and students to do, share, teach, and learn data science using R.
Log out of RStudio Cloud and log back in.
When you create an account on RStudio Cloud you get a workspace of your own
You can add a new workspace and control its permissions
Projects in either workspace can be public or private
A new project in RStudio Cloud
is basically a new project in the RStudio IDE
If you use RStudio, use projects! Trust me, you won’t regret it. Find out more at
👩🏫 teacher
👩💻 student
Not so good…
👩🏫 First you’re the instructor:
👩💻 Now you’re the student: Access your neighbor’s project as if you’re the student and they’re the instructor.
Do not create the project in the workshop workspace. Create it in “Your Workspace” so you own it.
👩🏫 You’re the instructor:
Under the Membership tab:
Make workspace shared for a short period of time, share link with students, enroll them as contributors.
After drop/add switch over to this access level
Use invitations for visitors added mid-semester
role | permission | course role |
<<<<<<< HEAD |————-|————————————————–|————-| ======= |—————|——————————————-|—————| >>>>>>> 3013f72455387e27c0ca9d9cf54e4e98038bb865 | admin | manage users, view, edit and manage all projects | instructor | | moderator | view, edit and manage all projects | TA | | contributor | create, edit and manage their own projects | student | | viewer | view projects shared with everyone | auditor |
Under the Membership tab:
👩🏫 You’re the instructor:
👩🏫 You’re the instructor:
Homework 01
👩🏫 You’re the instructor:
👩💻 Now you’re the student: Access your neighbor’s workspace and start the assignment.
Base project template can be used, so new project from git also has the right packages installed!
Not so good…
Student usage / engagement metrics
Instructor and student can collaboratively edit a script
Environments are not shared
Demo – any volunteers?
What models can you envision for collecting assignments and providing feedback when teaching with RStudio Cloud?
Click the link to submit your GitHub username and team name.
You will receive an email invite to the teach-ds-conf22 GitHub organization during the break. Accept the invitation to join the organization.