Designing the data science classroom
Maria Tackett
File organization & storage
Deploying materials
Benefits for instructor
Benefits for students
title: "Presentation title"
subtitle: "Data science course"
author: "Maria Tackett"
footer: "[π]("
logo: "images/logo.png"
theme: simple
transition: fade
slide-number: true
incremental: false
chalkboard: true
freeze: auto
echo: true
Follow at along at Module 08 - Organizing Materials Slides on RStudio Cloud
Easily share course materials, particularly for online courses
Search capabilities, so students can more easily find materials
Reproducible website that is easier to update
Learn by doing!
Make a website repo on GitHub.
If youβre using a GitHub organization for your course, you can make the repo inside that organization
The website repo must be public to publish it
Clone the repo and start a new RStudio project.
Run the following code in the Terminal.
quarto create-project --type website
This will populate the standard files for a new website.
Follow at along at Module 08 - Organizing Materials Website on RStudio Cloud
Run the following code in the Terminal
quarto publish gh-pages
Run the following code in the Terminal
quarto publish quarto-pub
Making presentations in Quarto:
Making websites in Quarto:
Publishing content:
Please go to to fill out the workshop feedback survey. Your feedback is crucial! Data from the survey informs curriculum and format decisions for future conf workshops and we really appreciate you taking the time to provide it.