Data Communication
- Visualize Your Data
- Anscombe’s Quartet
- Datasaurus Dozen
- What Makes it a Good Data Viualization?
- Information
- Avoid Data Pitfalls
- Story
- Who is My Audience?
- Goal
- Typology of Information Graphics
- The Vertices of Visualization
- Beyond Bar and Line Graphs
- Chart Choice Helpers
- The Power of Small Multiples
- Visual Form
- What is Good Data Visualization Design?
- Order Your Data
- Don’t Rotate Your Text
- Add Direct Labels
- Use Colors and Annotations Wisely
- The Power of Annotations
- Visualizing data is helpful to gain insights and discover anomalies
- The design process of data visualizations can be broken down to 4 levels:
- Information: understand the data and be accurate
- Story: be clear about the message of the visualization
- Goal: select charts that successfully transport the story
- Visual form: follow design rules and data visualization principles
Exercise 1
- We form groups and each group gets a number between 1 and 10.
- Open the image file(s) with the according number in the folder
- Discuss the visualization with regard to the 4 levels of data visualization design.
- Overall, do you think it is a good or a bad visualization?
- What are details you like?
- How could one improve the chart?
- Is there another (potentially better) way to tell the story? Sketch it (and think about how you could build it with ggplot2)