About the Workshop

These materials are for a two day workshop taking place before rstudio::conf 2022 in Washington, DC.

Teaching Team

Andrew Bray

Andrew Bray is a statistician at UC Berkeley where he develops and teaches courses in statistics and data science. His gets excited about empowering students to use data to understand the world and enjoys being part of a community of people developing open source software and open source educational resources. Though primarily an R user, last year he taught a large data science class to 1100 students in Python, which had him sorely missing the R Markdown ecosystem. The experience made him particularly grateful for Quarto as a bridge to other communities of data scientists.

Rebecca Barter

Rebecca is a statistician, data scientist, educator, and communicator who has a dual passion for empowering others by teaching critical thinking and technical skills for data science, and for uncovering the hidden patterns and stories that live inside complex datasets (primarily related to healthcare and medicine). She is currently a postdoc at UC Berkeley and she sometimes writes about data science and R on her website at www.rebeccabarter.com.

Silvia Canelón

Silvia (she/her) is a researcher, community organizer, and R educator. Her research projects at the University of Pennsylvania leverage electronic health record data to study pregnancy-related outcomes, and her organizing values data literacy as a way to build power and effect change.

She enjoys finding ways to communicate technical knowledge with a variety of audiences and loves learning how modern tools in the R ecosystem can support reproducible, efficient, and accessible workflows.

You can find out what Silvia is up to lately at silviacanelon.com.

Christophe Dervieu

Christophe Dervieux is an active member of the R community, currently living in France. With a master’s degree in energy and economics, he started working with R as an analyst doing economic studies about market designs, before becoming a developer advocate and R admin, promoting R and supporting R users where he works.

He is interested in helping others get the most from R, and you can find him wandering in the RStudio Community as a sustainer, or on several GitHub issue boards for various R packages. In both places, you may better recognize him by his shorter handle “cderv.”

As an R developer, he is a contributor to several R packages, such as bookdown, rmarkdown, and knitr. He has also co-authored the crrri package. His own projects can be found on GitHub (https://github.com/cderv), and sometimes he shares his ideas on Twitter (https://twitter.com/chrisderv).

He does not like spicy food, but he enjoys playing badminton every week.

Devin Pastoor

Bio coming soon.

Tatsu Shigeta

Tatsu works on the Customer Success team at RStudio, and specializes in managing consulting and high tech clients. He is also PhD student at Northeastern University - studying how exercise affects the brain - that has all but defended (coming up in two weeks!). He has used RStudio for his own research purposes for a better part of decade, and looks forward to talking data science with everyone at his first rstudio::conf.

About these materials

This source code and license for all of the materials found on this website can be found on Github .